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Emailing replies back to Open Atrium

Getting email notifications is great and is part of most collaboration software.  They allow you to keep your normal email workflow and be notified when there is something important to see in your project spaces.  But Open Atrium goes even further than that:  it allows you to actually reply to those notifications within your email client and have your reply posted back into the OA2 space!  This feature is especially critical for mobile users.  Even with a mobile-friendly responsive web application such as Open Atrium, who wants to switch to another app just to reply to a discussion that you received a notification about in your email? The “email reply” feature is not included in the base Open Atrium 2 distribution because it requires a software library that might not be installed on your server by default.  So let me show you exactly how you set up this important feature on your Open Atrium 2 site.


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i followed the instructions

in drush i got

oa_mailhandler was enabled successfully.                             [ok]
Now that you've enabled Mailhandler, you need to add a mailbox       [status]
corresponding to an IMAP/POP3/mbox mailbox.
Missing Feeds plugin OaMailParser. Please contact your site          [warning]

i don´t know how relevant it is https://www.drupal.org/node/2175429

but after adding the email, i ´ve got AJAX HTTP errors, when testing it

An AJAX HTTP error occurred.
HTTP Result Code: 504
Debugging information follows.
Path: /admin/structure/mailhandler/list/oa_mailhandler_hanness_de/test?token=sH6P-ZQI29sq9SnnQ1rt2J34rQ9uM8fRBeGjTWllPRw
StatusText: Gateway Time-out

504 Gateway Time-out

504 Gateway Time-out


any help is aprecieated as i understand nothing :) i´ll get an answer from Merlin soon on this i hope and might open an issue on drupal.org

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Gualter, can you create me a test account on the ecobytes mailserver for this?

they say

In some circumstances you need to issue extra commands to connect to your mail server (e.g., "/notls" or "/novalidate-cert"). See documentation for imap_open.


can you say something on this? (this might be the reason why it doesn´t work with my uberspace) do we need commands for the ecobytes server?

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another one

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i´ll try it with another email host now

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gmail also does not work, but i´m getting a different clearer error

[CLOSED] IMAP connection broken (server response)
Mailhandler could not access the mailbox using these settings

it might be becaus of the new account.  just activated imap. maybe it´ll work later..

so it seems as if uberspace needs something. i might ask the uberspace support for support

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hi @hannes, I created a real at Ecobytes mail server, will send you the credentials directly for you to test it. Please note that the connection is SSL and it might be that you need to make mailhandler ignore certificate warnings.

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@hannes, any progress on this? I'm looking forward to make groups work like mailing lists :)

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i tested it again, like above (everything on the dev site https://dev.co-munity.net )

with my uberspace mailbox and the one at mail.ecobytes.net it says after long loading time

An AJAX HTTP error occurred.
HTTP Result Code: 504
Debugging information follows.
Path: /admin/structure/mailhandler/list/oa_mailhandler_hanness_de/test?token=RZ_OWi4_H58ltcIs8nuDPwvGc7cXBdKzsr94aIohznM
StatusText: Gateway Time-out

504 Gateway Time-out

504 Gateway Time-out


with communitymailhandlertest@gmail.com the error is

[CLOSED] IMAP connection broken (server response)
Mailhandler could not access the mailbox using these settings

it might need some commands??

links / ressources


https://dev.co-munity.net/import/comment_reply_email_importer (choose the mailbox)

https://dev.co-munity.net/admin/config/system/site-information (add the reply-to address)


https://webmail.auriga.uberspace.de/ - oa_mailhandler@hanness.de - password: OA2mailHandlerTest (also for communitymailhandlertest@gmail.com)

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This probably has to do with the firewall settings of the VM. I will try to check if outgoing connections to IMAP are possible through the shell and change the BOA/Ecobytes firewall settings accordingly.

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No firewall problem, I can connect properly from the VM to mail.ecobytes.net on port 993.

Did you use secure IMAP connection (port 993)?

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i hope OA2 does it, see https://dev.co-munity.net/admin/structure/mailhandler/list/eb_comunity_m...

btw: i cannot create an google mailbox at my thunderbird, i was using the data as explained in the google-docu and the same password as via browser login... so their might be something wrong at google

but still it should work with the @hanness.de (here thunderbird works fine) @ecobiytes addresses... where we´re getting this ajax error

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any idea?

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No, I was testing a bit around yesterday and could not really find a reason for it. Changing typical options (such as /novalidate-cert) was not bringing any good. I could also not find further logged information on the error, but did not try if with the devel module something additional comes out.

My suggestion is that we clone and update the site to a newer version (we must anyway do it, there is a recent major security vulnerability) and test it again from there. I saw on some issue posts that older versions of MH were getting this error.

I will try to update until the weekend.

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ok, thanks

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cool stuff you are doing there...!

hannes called me for help to take a look at this and i can confirm the reason must lie outside the library and what you say @Gualter sounds reasonable.

if you need sth mor, just ping me.

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I found an interesting post on getting this reply over email to work more like a mailing list, as is wished for example by the Solawi crew: https://groups.drupal.org/node/423268#comment-1039723

Some of the problems we had last month might be invalid now, since the whole server has been rebuilt, firewalls changed and OA2 upgraded (in process).

@hannes (and others involved) I'll have to provide you new access to dev (I "trashed" the old one after drupalgeddon), will come to this soon (also with dev-stage-live workflow proposal)

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Yes, I already mentioed this threat somewhen somewhere to you ;-) I would not be able to do it, as it sounds complex and I don´t have expierence with codin and also only less with Rules. (it might also be useful to have a look at the OG Mailinglist module? not that it would be easy to adapt it to OA2..)

Ok, I can try it again at the new dev version as soon as I have accsess and time! Next week should work.

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Yes, og_mailinglist is definitely an alternative option that would virtually transform every group into a mailing list and give it a mail address.

One concern I have there is that OA2 does not use normal comments in discussions posts - they are simply new nodes that have as parent (entity_reference I think) the other discussion node. This might complicate a straight forward implementation of og_mailinglist.

Both options should nevertheless be equated and eventually tested.