I am thinking about writing a paper on the multiple roles of urban gardens to contribute to a degrowth society
I would examine the role of urban gardens for: subsistence, biodiversity, countering alienation from food production and agriculture (creating awarensess which in turn facilitates more sustainable consumption), strengthening town communities and local neighborhoods.
It could be published in the Special Volume on “Transitions to Sustainable Consumption and Production within Cities” in the Journal of cleaner Production
Perhaps someone wants to contribute?
Hello everyone,
As you know, one of the core aims of GROWL is to build up a trainers network on degrowth across Europe. At the beginning of the course I will present you more details on the project/network concept. For now, I wanted to remind the criteria/procedure we have set for becoming a GROWL trainer:
If you are attending the course with the purpose of becoming a future trainer (i.e. attending the train-the-trainer module in Greece and at a further GROWL course), please inform me, so that I can add you to the future trainers list, where you will be able to get ideas for assignments or post your own.
I would also ask if any of you is making in Greece it's 2nd train-the-trainer course and wanting to present an assignment. In this case, I would ask you to publish beforehand an outline/short abstract of what you did and want to present on Oct. 5th.
I'm already with my 2 daughters on my way to Greece (now on the train from Vienna to Budapest) and looking forward for meeting you all and getting inspired by all that we will have the opportunity to hear, see and touch in Thessaloniki.
It might interest you all!
http://brasil.elpais.com/brasil/2014/09/29/opinion/1412000283_365191.html (this one is only in Portuguese, as I could find, but still, in case you can comprehend I assure it is a incredible interview material)
Best regards
Lina Raquel Marinho
this is Jonas from the Mental Infrastructures Workshop. I just wanted to confirm this way that I did not forget you and the nice experience we had in Leipzig and at the same time fill this page with some life (although not to deep;) ).
Oldenburg is doing fine. Directly after the workshop, we discussed how our group can contribute to the GROWL concept and we thought that the course agenda is missing a course on "Degrowth and Energy", which could be held by some humble engineers. We feel that Energy is often seen as something uninteresting and unaccessible unlike for example the food topic.
The idea is to describe the way the triplet of Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Energy Sufficiency can lay out the foundation for a real sustainable society and may even pave the way towards it as Renewable Energy is potentially decentralized and small-scale. This enables citizens and cooperatives to engage and takes away power from big players.
The challenge is to make this topic accessible to Non-Professionals and to make it so wonderfully interactive as done by Thomas, Susanne, Christoph and Kristina.
However, for the moment we postponed that idea as we are trying to find jobs and are in some kind of transitional process. But let me hear what you think of the idea! Is it at all interesting? Can it contribute meaningfully to the GROWL concept?
Kind regards