
Section in development. A proper index will exist here soon.

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How to update Drupal core and contrib modules.


Install Read Only Mode module ( In this way, people still have access to the content, but there is no risk that the content is changed while you make the changes.

1. Clone your live site to in the existing, old platform
2. Migrate to the new platform (the new version of Drupal), without renaming it, and make sure it works…

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How to safely update contrib modules


Install Read Only Mode module ( In this way, people still have access to the content, but there is no risk that the content is changed while you make the changes.

1. turn on Read Only Mode with Drush: drush vset site_readonly 1
2. clone to
3. Update modules on with Drush: drush pm-update --no-core --no-backup


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How to import a Drupal website


A) Import the website code

- upload files, contrib modules & themes, libraries to sites/ inside the respective directories (ignore the settings.php file, it will not be needed)

B) Import the database

1. upload the database to the .tmp directory of the home folder:

           scp exampledb.sql

2. drush sql-drop…


Drupal hosting FAQ


Can I add a Drupal site before changing a domain nameservers to Ecobytes?

Yes. You can first set it up as a subdomain of (e.g and it should work automatically. Later on you can add the domains.

If the domains are managed by us, you should warn us in advance for properly setting up your domain. If you managed your own domain, make sure to set an A record pointing to (bushmaster IP address).

How do I upgrade a Drupal site?

Please follow the…


Drupal hosting


Ecobytes provides high-performance, optimized Drupal hosting to all its members.

Our farms are self-hosted and setup with the BOA stack from omega8cc.

Custom services and support can be discussed and contracted on demand by individual members.

Community engagement on the maintenance, development and documentation of our Drupal farms and servers is always welcome.


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