Flag test event


Exercice starting from an idea of degrowth presented by Edgar Morin:  “  art of rebalancing what needs to grow, degrow and be stabilized”.  

Keywords:    complexe thinking, growth, degrowth , stabilization.

This activity proposes  group working and discussion allowing each participant of the group  to see what  has to growl, to degrow ad to be  stabilized in his or her own life .


At the moment, e-mail notifications for the site are sent from Degrowth co-munity and have topics such as "[Group name] Gualter created some page".

Following the earlier co-munity version and the attempt to mimic a mailing list behavior (see also adding reply-to feature for email notifications), these should be changed to show the author name (but not e-mail address) and the subject should not include "user created" or "user commented", but just the node title and, on comments, the Re: before. For content updates it can probably stay as is.

If you have other suggestions on improving this user experience, they are very welcome.


there is a bug in the calendar: It shows me the right date but in the wrong line



Hello this is a short description of the context :

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus maximus, lectus at laoreet tempor, neque massa rutrum libero, id venenatis arcu ante vel nisl.

Nam mollis felis in nibh dictum sollicitudin. Donec sollicitudin turpis nisl, ut luctus lacus tempor non. Maecenas nec ipsum at nulla sodales fringilla ut eget enim. Nulla vulputate elit gravida ullamcorper ultricies. Cras aliquet cursus orci, quis fringilla leo lobortis id. Maecenas molestie eleifend ex in consectetur. Mauris tempor euismod mauris, et interdum justo molestie sit amet. Sed vulputate dictum lacus ac vestibulum. Suspendisse erat nisl, consequat ac est id, mattis auctor ante. Aliquam venenatis gravida elit, at placerat tellus blandit ut. Vestibulum eu orci eget nibh facilisis luctus non eu velit.

Description of my project :

Vestibulum quis vehicula erat. Sed eleifend tellus ut convallis blandit. Integer mattis fringilla ipsum, quis venenatis lorem suscipit vehicula.

  • Donec sed ultricies libero.
  • Aenean accumsan nisl enim, pellentesque accumsan neque tincidunt in.
  • Aliquam dapibus lorem sapien.

Duis euismod volutpat libero, et accumsan neque maximus ac.

Mauris laoreet arcu tortor, sit amet ultricies neque faucibus in. Curabitur id ex a dui finibus laoreet ac vitae diam. Quisque nec tellus vehicula, consequat lectus a, gravida sem.

  • Etiam commodo, nibh auctor eleifend ornare, neque enim dictum quam, sit amet fringilla nisl massa nec lectus. Pellentesque sit amet metus sit amet metus varius congue.
  • Duis pharetra viverra aliquam.

Random picture of two people working

Quisque rutrum lorem a neque semper, quis euismod turpis dignissim. Pellentesque id enim mi. Cras lectus sem, imperdiet non magna ac, sagittis ullamcorper felis. Donec nisl tortor, sagittis vitae dapibus a, laoreet a nulla. Mauris non mauris lacinia, ornare mi non, aliquam magna. Nullam dui metus, eleifend vel placerat vulputate, blandit eu felis. Praesent ut felis vel risus vulputate ultricies.

Proin suscipit lorem ut condimentum consequat. Donec in metus at mi aliquet mollis. Praesent imperdiet quam sit amet tincidunt sollicitudin. Nullam posuere consectetur arcu, eget hendrerit lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce iaculis enim sit amet nisi pellentesque finibus ut sed dui. Nullam eu lectus nibh. Maecenas pulvinar, massa placerat accumsan accumsan, eros tortor gravida felis, a vestibulum enim lacus ut leo. Vestibulum vulputate fringilla congue. Curabitur ut ex id nibh suscipit blandit eget id orci. Donec sed ex nec mauris fermentum facilisis. Sed sit amet condimentum nibh.


I would like to share the experiences from this course at "Summer school of environmental thinking" that I organized with my friends from university this summer. We would like to repeat it next year and it would be nice to do one "GROWL day" with some theory about degrowth and some practical excursions too, e.g. to the local community gardens.

So first, I will share my experiencies of degrowth with other organizators of summer school and then we thought about the best layout of the day. 

You must be logged in and be a registered participant of the Degrowth conference to be able to register to this working group.